Sunday, September 16, 2012

Change your life with Crystal!

Crystals are powerful, change agents, transformational tools, capable of even turning sound into light.

We think crystals to be both inert and lifeless, in reality  they constitute and comprise the  essence of physical energy .

Our bodies, like crystals, are composed of silicone and water, and that is why we can feel the vibration of a crystal  within us. Crystals  enable us to communicate and connect with higher levels of consciousness and  help change our past .

Pink Kunzite, you will see that it has shades of both Pink and a pale Violet. Thus it reflects the Pink of the heart and Unconditional Love, and the Violet of the higher mind and Wisdom.

·         Rapid transformation of energy can place Pink Kunzite in the house.

·         For emotional blockages wear it around your neck or carry with you.

·         If you are seeking true love, get hold of Pink Kunzite

·         For children who seem to be having difficulty adjusting to the demands of life, coping with life, or functioning without fear, Pink Kunzite is one of the best stones to give them.

·         For teens who fear rejection , Pink Kunzite helps give them the inner strength to love without fear and become invulnerable to the un-loving attitudes of others.

·        Crystals can pull energy into the crystal or conduct it out. Thus, a gem such as malachite has the ability to remove negative energy, yet if it is not cleared regularly, it will retain that energy and amplify it. 


Leepakshi Chopra runs a Luxury PR advisory firm with a focus on Hotels, hospitality and travel. She has an experience of over 15 years in the luxury hotel scene in India and has been Director PR and Marketing Communications for The Imperial which was the highest ranked hotel in India during her tenure.She today assists some of the top hotels internationally and advises them on how to approach the Indian market. This blog is a reflection of the times we live in and how consumer reactions are essential for the success of any brand.

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